Applications for New Stallholders
The Palm Cove Markets have a fantastic reputation for excellence and have proven to be very popular with Stallholders and market goers.
Whilst we would love to be able to accommodate everyone, we are restricted by the physical capacity available within the market boundaries (Harpa Street to Cedar Road) as well as Emergency Access.
If you would like to apply please email
This Month's Market Site Map
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Terms and Conditions
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On Market Day
Please check your stallholder confirmation email for all relevant information for the day.
Our Rotary Cairns Sunrise volunteers and traffic control personnel are here to help everything run smoothly. They will respect you as long as you respect them and their instructions.
We endeavour to have everything run according to plan and are there to ensure a fair and safe outcome for all involved
Bump-in & Bump-Out
Please check your stallholder email advice and comply with your designated times.
The markets offer one-way vehicular traffic for bump-in and bump-out, so getting the sequencing right as much as possible is essential. Please be respectful and mindful of other people AT ALL TIMES.
Bump-in commences at 6am on the morning of the market. Because access along Williams Esplanade is one-way only (from Harpa Street to Cedar Road), we ask that you time your arrival to suit your stall location colour to ensure a smooth and fair bump-in for all.
Bump-in outside these time slots will be subject to the direction of Rotary Cairns Sunrise Volunteers and traffic control personnel.
You must turn on your vehicle’s emergency lights (blinkers) while driving through the market for everyone’s safety. YOU MUST DRIVE AT A WALKING PACE.
Please unload safely and keep the flow of traffic clear.
The Rotary Cairns Sunrise volunteers and traffic control personnel are there to manage circumstances when this may not happen, so please follow their directions.
Vehicle Entry Times (via Triton Street/Vievers Road entrance – see Google maps on our Home page):
Green & Blue
6:am to 6:20am
6:20am to 6:40am
Mauve & Pink
6:40am to 7:00am
Red & Orange
7:00am to 7:20am
Bump Out
- Bump-out times are there for every Stallholder’s benefit, and the speedy re-opening of Williams Esplanade to regular public traffic. Please pack up safely and keep the flow of traffic clear. Please do not extend your market trading beyond market hours, as doing so will result in your future site booking requests being reviewed.
Commence pack up. Pack everything to the back of your stall so vehicle traffic can come through easily
Vehicles are allowed to move after you’ve packed up
Road re-opens to public traffic