Market Info
What are the Market dates for 2024?
Normally the 1st Sunday of selected months from 8am to 2pm.
Stallholders will be advised by email should any changes to these dates occur.
- 6th April 2025 (first Market for the year)
- 4th May 2025
- 1st June 2025
- 6th July 2025
- 3rd August 2025
- None in September 2025, go to Carnival on Collins
- 5th October 2025
- 2nd November 2025
- 7th December 2025
Where is the market?
Williams Esplanade Palm Cove between Harpa Street & Cedar Road is closed to traffic from 4am to 4pm on the day of the market.
Flanked by beachside and shaded by palm & ancient paperbark trees, Williams Esplanade is one of the prettiest places to hold a market.
Is there car parking available?
Street parking is limited and fills quickly. Please always respect Palm Cove’s residents when finding a car park. For a donation, Palm Cove Markets offers OFF-STREET parking on Triton Street (see Google maps).
Please note that the car park is subject to the weather as we do not want to damage the donated space. IMPORTANT: Access to this park will be locked at 4:00 pm, and the key will be returned to Council.
Is there public transport available to the market?
Yes, public transport is available with varying timetables (link below). There is a bus hail zone on Harpa Street, the alternative bus route is provided by Sunbus to accommodate the markets.
Note: Stops along Williams Esplanade and Cedar Road will not be is use.
Are there facilities for people with different abilities?
Yes, the market is user friendly for people with different abilities. There are disabled toilets opposite the Lifeguard hut as well as at the Northern end of the esplanade and wheelchair access to the markets.
How far is Palm Cove from Cairns?
The market is approximately 30mins drive north of Cairns City along National Route 1 & Captain Cook Highway. At the Veivers Road turn off continue down Veivers Road where you can follow more signs to the free off-street parking on Triton Street. Take your time and enjoy the journey.
Can I bring my dog or pet to the market?
We welcome your pets on a leash, with plenty of shady areas for you both to enjoy. Please respect all those attending the markets and clean up after your pets.
How can I find a particular stallholder or information on how to contact them?
On market days, just look for anyone in a Rotary Cairns Sunrise T-shirt to enquire about stallholder locations.
We also suggest you browse the Facebook page ‘Palm Cove Markets’ where you may be able to find the information you are looking for. If the stallholder you are looking for is not included on the page please email us using the Get In Touch form.
What do I do if I become separated from my children or require first aid?
We have members available at every market to assist you should you become separated from your children. Stay with a Stallholder and ask them to call the Market Co-ordinator. It is important not to panic and immediately report or bring lost children to the attention of the Market Co-ordinator to commence the search process. Generally, children or parents are found quickly enabling everyone to enjoy the market again.
If you require first aid, please go straight to the Lifeguard hut to see a Surf Life Saver or Lifeguard for assistance. There are also small first aid items available from the SES tent at the Northern end of the markets.
What if I lose something or find something in the market?
We receive Lost and Found items throughout the Market day. Please hand in any lost property or inquire after lost treasures through the Market Co-ordinator on 0424 744 698 (Market Hours only)
For information on lost and found outside market hours please contact the Market Manager by using the Get In Touch form.
Where do I share my feedback or experience of my visit to the market?
We welcome and would love to hear your feedback and comments in relation to the newly managed market through Rotary Cairns Sunrise | Business Networking. In our quest to be FNQ’s leading market, we are constantly seeking ways of improving your experience of our wonderful market family.
Please email your comments to the Market Manager by using the Get In Touch form.